Covid-19 & Brexit impact on the Supply Chain

Covid-19 in 2020 has revealed weaknesses in the traditional / conventional manufacturing supply chain. These conventional supply chains have shown they are not as resilient as once thought.

I also suspect as we head to a No-Deal Brexit this will further challenge them.

So how do we adapt / change our manufacturing supply chain and reduce further risks from Covid & Brexit?

Look at companies who have adopted additive manufacturing (3D printing). They have managed to reduce their supply chain risk by sourcing parts quickly through local 3D printing bureaus or direct investment in the technology.

These companies have managed to adapt quickly to the changes in the world we see today and have continued to operate through these challenging times.

Is your supply chain as secure or as resilient as you want / need?

Is this the time you look at how additive manufacturing becomes part of your supply chain?

Happy to discuss how additive manufacturing could help with your manufacturing needs, get in contact.